BLITZERS, a seven-member boy group under WUZO Entertainment, first appeared on the K-Pop scene on May 12, 2021, with the mini-album Check-In and the title track, "Breathe Again."
Consisting of Jinhwa, Go_U, Juhan, Sya, Chris, Lutan, and Wooju, BLITZERS has become a rising talent in the industry, bringing unique concepts and sounds to the scene. From their debut to their most recent release, the K-Pop boy group has consistently demonstrated that cool factor that makes BLEE (their fandom name) want them to come back as often as possible. From the blended rap and rock track "Breathe Again" to the energetic "Bobbin," to the synth-infused "Hit the Bass," and their newest addicting title track, "MACARENA," BLITZERS discography has a refreshing rock-inspired sound, making them stand out even more as they do something unique in the world of K-Pop.
With their latest release, "MACARENA," BLITZERS continues to push the boundaries with their signature sound. In particular, the group's musical abilities, performance skills, and development were further highlighted in the new single album. BLITZERS is worth listening to because of their unmatched discography, delivering extraordinary new songs each comeback, with the members looking expertly playing the part as they showcase their charming and charismatic personalities and alluring visuals.
In their most recent comeback, BLITZERS once again displayed their talents, executing hard-hitting dance choreography while simultaneously wowing listeners with their vocal prowess. The group has also grown in popularity, with "MACARENA" becoming their best-selling single album in first-day and first-week sales, breaking their previous record.
To celebrate the completion of their month-long promotional activities for "MACARENA," BLITZERS caught up with me to talk about "MACARENA," behind-the-scenes fun, how they incorporate their own charms into the group, and more! Keep reading to learn more about BLITZERS!
Hello, BLITZERS! Thank you for sharing your time with us, and congratulations on your latest comeback, “MACARENA.” Please introduce introducing yourselves individually to our readers and share what one keyword best describes you.
BLITZERS (JINHWA): Hello! I'm the leader of BLITZEERS, JINHWA! I was also called a choreographer during our “Macarena” activities because I made the choreography!
BLITZERS (JUHAN): Hello, this is BLITZERS JUHAN! I chose ‘chick’ as my keyword because fans usually say I look like a chick.
BLITZERS (SYA): Hello, this is BLITZERS SYA. I just want to be ‘Lee Jun-young’ (his birth name) so that I can express myself without any keywords or modifiers.
BLITZERS (CHRIS): Hello, I’m CHRIS from BLITZERS, and my keyword is ‘Gucci.’
BLITZERS (LUTAN): Hello! This is LUTAN, the ‘man who loves food!’ It's because I feel the greatest happiness when I'm with BLEE and when I eat.
BLITZERS (WOOJU): Hello, I may look scary at first because I have sharp eyes, but I'm the kind-hearted BLITZERS Wooju!
You recently wrapped up your promotions for MACARENA. How were the comeback promotions for this album? How did it differ from the promotional activities of WIN-DOW?
BLITZERS (CHRIS): The promotion for this comeback was really fun because a lot of BLEE were dancing while we were performing.
BLITZERS (LUTAN): Since this activity is a song with an exciting and enjoyable atmosphere, everyone seemed to have fun and had fun together. It was a proud and fun activity because it seemed that the fans and the public enjoyed it more than previous activities.
BLITZERS (WOOJU): We think the response was a little better than the previous album, and as we received more attention, we were more encouraged and happy throughout the promotion.
The theme of this album has a very retro feel. It reminds me of 1990s K-Pop groups like H.O.T. What was the inspiration behind the album?
BLITZERS (WOOJU): I think I was inspired and positively influenced by covering the songs of great seniors, such as H.O.T.’s “Descendant of Warriors” and g.o.d’s “Friday Night.” We were also inspired by the song of the same name as us, Los Del Rio's “Macarena.”
BLITZERS (JUHAN): It's an album that we literally tried to give a 90's feel. So, not only the song but also the actual album was taken as a reference to a K-Pop magazine that was popular in the past.
Do you have any interesting and fun behind-the-scenes moments from the filming set of the music video?
BLITZERS (JINHWA): It was fun and cool to see Lutan change suddenly when the shooting started, even though he was embarrassed when filming his pants coming off.
BLITZERS (JUHAN): Wooju's Joker makeup made Wooju more intoxicated with the character. Even when there was no camera, he used to walk like the Joker or laugh all of a sudden. I think that's why the character in the music video is expressed better.
BLITZERS (LUTAN): I think my long hair is the most memorable, but I remember being a bit concerned throughout the shoot because it was so itchy. But in the end, I got attached to my long hair and was sad to see it go.
The album photo concept is more casual than the music video. How would you compare each of the styles you wore?
BLITZERS (JINHWA): My music video concept was "4D Dancer Boy", so I danced in front of zombies. In the case of the album jacket, I wore costumes that fit the retro concept to match the album concept! Although the two concepts are slightly different, they have one thing in common: retro.
BLITZERS (JUHAN): My concept in the music video is ‘Tough Guy,’ a character who is brave and not afraid of anything. Among the various styles for the album jacket, I like the brown overalls style that the members and I all wear together. The outfit looked like a first-generation K-Pop idol outfit.
BLITZERS (SYA): In the music video concept, I was a ‘Shy Boy,’ and the main outfit was good, but I liked the training outfit more! The reason is that each member had points, and my point was the red bag, which is cute. For the album jacket, I liked the orange outfit the most. It's because it suits the concept well, and when I shoot wearing that costume, I feel comfortable, and it looks good.
BLITZERS (CHRIS): In the music video, I’m more of a dead person, especially with the makeup, but in the album photo concept, my outfit is definitely retro and has an old-school style to it.
BLITZERS (LUTAN): The jacket concept is retro, so it has a free feeling and a fashion model magazine vibe. I like the fashion model concept because it's fun and unique! In the music video, I brought the concept of ‘Rocker,’ it was fun to wear a long wig and carry a guitar around.
BLITZERS (WOOJU): I wore various outfits for the jacket shoot, and I liked the natural concept of wearing a teddy bear bag the most because it was the most comfortable and natural feeling. In the music video, I was styled and acted with a unique brain concept like ‘The Joker!’ It was an unfamiliar style at first, but I think it was good because I was able to get into it perfectly.
Read the full interview on Hellokpop.