Meet Seowon. Since debuting as a member of Lapillus in June of last year, Seowon is quickly cementing herself as a rookie all-rounder. With talent and goals far beyond most teens her age, it’s not surprising that she’s the group’s secret weapon, otherwise known as its “idea bank.”
I sat down with Seowon ahead of Lapillus’ Latin America promotions to talk about her career so far, lifestyle, and future plans (which may include a producer credit). Meet one of the most charming rappers in K-Pop as she answers our questions below.
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Please introduce yourself.
Hi, my name is Seowon, and I am in charge of rapping and the idea bank of Lapullus.

Tell me a little bit about Seowon. What would I find or not find about you if we searched online?
Since I'm still a rookie, there's actually not much that you guys could find online. However, when we do lives (live streaming), I am bursting with energy and feel really excited. After the lives, fans will cut out some clips and post them online so others can see a different side of me.
What is it was like being backstage, getting ready to go out onto the stage for the first time? Were you nervous, excited, or relaxed?
I actually have a lot of experience performing in front of others. So whenever I get to perform, I feel excited because I really enjoy being on stage. It’s exhilarating, and I’m not really nervous.
How would you describe your style? Has it changed since you became a K-Pop idol?
Since I was young, I have always liked princess stuff and things that were pretty. I still think that’s true today.
How do you prepare for a performance now?
Whenever we perform, I try to show a different side of myself. To do that, I try to study and practice new and different types of gestures and facial expressions to bring to our performances.
Is how you prepare for performances different or similar then preparing for a music video?
I think it’s actually different because we’re a performance group. Before a performance, we really try to look more into the dance, and I try to take into consideration my dance steps. While for music videos, we try to show more of our image. So I think that’s when I try to fix my gestures or my facial expressions.
As the rapper of Lapillus, do you have any interest in writing or producing songs for the group?
That’s actually a big goal of mine for the future! At the moment, I know I’m not skilled enough yet, so I have to practice and learn more to improve my songwriting or producing skills to reach that goal. I know I speak for a majority of lapis when I say, we can’t wait for producer Seowon to emerge.
Whether you are getting ready for a schedule or after a performance, how do you energize yourself?
I really like watching mukbangs and ASMR videos, as well as cooking shows. I think by watching those, I really get to heal and recharge myself.
So can fans expect a Mukbang or ASMR from you in the future?
Yes! I really want to try it.
Aside from debuting, what would you say is the coolest thing you’ve done so far?
Before debuting, I was part of a dance academy. The academy had a concert where I performed with older male and female classmates on stage. Many people came to the performance, so I had a lot of mixed feelings when I was there. I thought, “would this be the feeling if I debuted?”

Finish these sentences:
My favorite word/phrase is: I miss you
I’m really passionate about: Singing
The top three places I’d love to visit are: Mexico, Japan, and the United States
On a rainy day, you will probably find me . . . Craving spicy food and Korean pancakes
Three songs currently on my playlist are:
woo!ah! “I Don’t Miss You”
APink “Wishlist”
Jo Yuri “Loveable”
Lastly, can you please share a message for lapis.
We’re scheduled to Latin America for the first time very soon, so we are excited about that. We have been preparing a lot and want to show our fans amazing performances. Please look forward to it!
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